Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

mouse with a strange mix of animal pig

Some residents Purwoasri, City Metro, Lampung Province has been shocked bythe discovery of a strange animal.
Animals found by a local resident, Budianto had a strange shape.
From its shape, this animal has a size of an adult cat with a form of fusionbetween rat and pig.
Budianto claimed that the animal has been found in rice fields while rats in the village berburi Kalibening,
Pekalongan, East Lampung, Monday (06/06/2011) afternoon.

"Many people think that animals are giant rats," said Budianto.
The animal has now been secured by Budianto and many people who continue tovisit to see these strange animals.
Locals do not know exactly what species of animal. "We've seen this first," saidBudianto.
Now, the animal will be turned over to animal researchers to know the typespecies.

Previously also, the animal was once found in the Mutual Aid, Central Lampung inNovember 2009 back.
Local residents have also been shocked by the discovery of these strangeanimals.
When found, the animal also includes animals are not vicious. Animals are exactlythat? Is it true that it is a giant rat?

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